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We are excited to announce Ellie Boldrick Mikel has been promoted to Campus Director at our Louisville campus!

Ellie started with ATA College in 2008 and has been a vital part of ATA over the last 14 years.

She started out at the front desk as an Administrative Assistant and also spent time in Admissions helping enroll students. Her educational background and amazing work ethic allowed her to then move into the role of full-time faculty member where she helped hundreds of students be successful both in and out of the classroom.

Ellie has always been the number one advocate for her students. Combining her desire to see people achieve their goals and her “above and beyond” attitude, she then moved on to the role of Director of Online Education and most recently Director of Education for our Louisville campus.

She continues to exceed our expectations with her dedication to our students and ATA College.

We are very excited to have Ellie in this new role and look forward to great things for the Louisville Campus.

Make sure you congratulate Ellie when you see her!


ATA College
ATA College