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The Best Study Tips to Help You through the School Year

Make a Study Plan– Your time is precious and time should never be wasted. Therefore we suggest creating a study plan to organize your time and thoughts before diving in. A study plan outlines study times and learning goals. Create a schedule to block off time frames that best fit you because we all know not everyone is the same (especially when it comes to studying).

Regular Study Breaks– Don’t try to cram everything in, in a half hour or less. It’s very hard to maintain a certain level of concentration without giving yourself time to recover. No one expects you to be able to remember everything you need to know in one sit down which is why planning (making a study plan) and allowing yourself breaks WILL give you time to breathe.

Test Yourself– Many college students have test anxiety. It is not uncommon to forget test information simply from walking into the classroom; that’s why testing yourself beforehand will successfully show improvement. There are many quiz generators online that allow you to create the test and answers. You can also create flash cards with a question on the front and the answer on the back. Keep track of the ones you miss and just be sure to spend more time to those specifically.

Collaborate with Study Partners– It can be hard to concentrate on your own. Getting involved in a study group, whether that be in person or a group message, can help when you need some clarification. It’s hard to get absolutely every word written down from the professor and that makes having a study group even more valuable. Bounce off of others’ notes, say things out loud, and test one another on certain information.

Switch up the Scene– Although some people will swear by the library, or the same place you studied last time, it is actually proven to be more effective when you switch up your study location. Try the new coffee shop down the road, a new spot on campus, or a different friends place.

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